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Installation & Set-Up¤

How to Use the Template¤

Fork the PioneersHub/conference repository and adapt everything to your needs.

These parts of the repository need to be customized to your conference:

  • Update the with your conference name and description to avoid confusion. Remove anything that is not relevant to your conference. We appreciate if you keep the Community Playbooks by Pioneers Hub section at the bottom.
  • Update site configuration in the mkdocs.yml:
  • Update the conference configuration, see below for detailed instructions
  • Update the pyproject.toml file with your conference name and description.
  • Update the About page with your conference name and description.
  • Replace the conference logo to the assets/images/ folder with the file name social_card_logo.png.
  • Follow the instructions in docs/ to set up your environment, see below. This is required to build the documentation.
  • Create the website, see Publishing below.
  • The website is hosted on GitHub pages. Enable GitHub pages in the repository settings.


This project supports the great Pixi package management as well as a requirements.txt file if you prefer to use a virtual environment.

# requires uv installed, alternatively you can use any other python virtual environment
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Pixi supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. See the Pixi documentation for more information how to install Pixi.

To install the environment, run the following command for the project root directory:

pixi install


The template automatically publishes information based on the settings in the config.yml file.

The configuration file is a crucial file especially for the timeline and committees. It stores all dates, emails, links, etc. in once place and makes it easy to update.

Configure your repository by editing the config.yml file.

1. Set your site setting¤

site_name: Put your event name here
site_url: Link to your page, e.g.
site_author: Author(s)
site_description: >-
  Add a custom description about your event.

2. GitHub repository details¤

repo_name: GitHub repository name, e.g., PioneersHub/conference
repo_url: GitHub repository URL, e.g.,

3. Event details¤

# Event details
  event_name: "THE EVENT"
  start_date: "2025-04-23"
  end_date: "2025-04-26"
  location: "Somewhere, Germany"
  apply_url_committees: ""
  contact_email: ""

4. Committees' details¤

Outline the expected workloads and milestones for each committee via the configuration file. Take your time to define the workload and milestones for each committee.

At the start, give your best guess for the workload and milestones. This information is important so people interested in joining know what to expect.

The dates are published at the bottom of the committees pages.

  # Committee names must match the headers in the file
  # Expected workloads and milestones for each committee
  "coc": # key for the committee
      attend_conference: true
      average: "1-2 hours per week"
      start: "start-date-here"
      peak: "During the conference"
      end: "Until all reports have been resolved"

Example snippet from committee page:

### Timeline

:fontawesome-regular-calendar:  **start:**03.03.2025

Preview the Documentation¤


mkdocs serve

to start the live-reloading docs server.

The local website is run on


no library called "cairo-2" was found…

can be fixed with:

export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib
mkdocs serve

See here for details


The documentation website resides in a separate branch called gh-pages. This branch is automatically updated by mkdocs.

The documentation website is hosted at GitHub pages. The documentation website is rendered if the main branch is updated.

To deploy:

mkdocs gh-deploy

The repository also contains a GitHub action that automatically deploys the documentation to GitHub pages.

Versioning Schema¤

The versioning schema is {major}.{minor}.{patch}[{release}{build}] where the latter part (release and build) is optional.

It is recommended to do --dry-run prior to your actual run.

# increase version identifier
bumpversion [major/minor/patch/release/build]  # --verbose --dry-run

# e.g.
bumpversion minor  # e.g. 0.5.1 --> 0.6.0
bumpversion minor --new-version 0.7.0  # e.g. 0.5.1 --> 0.7.0